Welcome to the Baremetrics club

From: Lea at Baremetrics <lea@baremetrics.com> 9/16/2021, 4:08:54 PM
To: jake+baremetricsblog@messaged.io

You freaking did it!

Let me be the first to welcome you to the Baremetrics community.

My name is Lea. I'm the person behind the content you see on our blog, social media and now your inbox!

I get enough crappy emails from SaaS companies to know how it feels to be bombarded with emails you don't care about every day.

Our aim is to give you actionable tips, tactics and resources to grow your startup (with a focus on SaaS and subscription companies).

And if you ever get emails from us that don't live up to that, hit Reply and let me know what you'd like to see more (or less) of.

We're an open book (seriously, we even share our revenue numbers), so we welcome all questions and feedback!

Now that I let you know a bit about myself and our community, I'd love to hear from you!

Reply back to this email and let me know:

I reply to every email 🙂

— Lea